Introducing Srinivas Rao, Director of Audience Development

We are so pleased to welcome Srinivas Rao, Alpha Brand Media’s new Director of Audience Development. Srinivas will be helping us to find ways to better connect with our websites’ audiences and visitors via content marketing, outreach and social media. He’ll also be a regular presence on, authoring a weekly column that will focus […]

Hi, Here’s a video I watched beginning to end. You might like it too. ~Jenise

I am a third generation article clipper. When we were little, Grandma Kay sent my sisters and me snippets of the local newspaper or magazines, including some annotation in her distinctive handwriting. They usually addressed favorite subjects of the time: food, dogs, hobbies.

Brent Csutoras to Speak at SEOktoberfest

There’s only one way to get caught in leather shorts on the interwebs and not have it turn into a personal ORM catastrophe: when you are asked to speak at SEOktoberfest. SEOktoberfest is an invite-only, internet marketing conference in Germany (of course).

“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.”

–Bill Cosby When people find out about what I do for a living, I get one of two reactions: Skepticism. “You’re one of those ‘make money online’ types? Hmm.” (Backs away slowly, hand on wallet)

Alpha Brand Media is Hiring an Ad Sales Executive… are you The One?

It’s time. It’s actually been time for quite a while now– ABM could really, really use a talented, sharp, experienced ad sales guy/gal that can crush the online space.