Zac Efron Stars in “Neighbors” with Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne [EveryGuyed]

From being a teenie bopper at Disney’s High School Musical to becoming a 37-year-old dad turned 17-year-old high school student in 17 Again, Zac Efron is once again gracing the big screen in next year’s comedy “Neighbors“.

From Erik Adler‘s post on men’s lifestyle and fashion website EveryGuyed:

The film features (Seth) Rogen and Rose Byrne as a married couple moving into a neighborhood to start a new family, only to discover that a fraternity is moving in next door, headed up by (Zac) Efron.

Starring Zac Efron, Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne, Neighbors is set to be released on May 9, 2014.

"Neighbors" Officia Trailer | Yahoo! Movies

“Neighbors” Officia Trailer | Yahoo! Movies

Erik Adler is the Editorial Director for Alpha Brand Media and is a regular contributor for EveryGuyed. See all of his posts here.

Aki Libo-on

Aki Libo-on

Web Content Writer at Alpha Brand Media

Aki Libo-on is the Web Content Writer for Alpha Brand Media. When not working, she is always on the hunt for good food and good places to dine in, which is chronicled on her personal food blog.

Aki Libo-on

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